Term 2 Exam Finish!
Hello ~ I have good news! I have finished exam. Term 2 exam! πIt is not very hard. Just the Malay paper 2 is hard. I need to write a paragraph. The paper give me some words and then I need to write a paragraph. I hope I can get better result for my Chinese. I have been practicing that for exam more than any subject. Chinese and Malay are the subject that I am not good at. Chinese: I don't know how to read but I know the meaning. Malay: I know how to read but I don't know the meaning. The understanding of each subject is different. π
I am a prefect too! So I need to have good result only I will be a real prefect. Now I am just a TRANEE prefect. I just got chosen as a prefect but then MCO started. And I don't have time to show how good I am.π The only thing that I am not so good in is that my PE shirts is not clean. My all other cloth is clean only this one. I put the thing to make the cloth white but it just make the color of my name tag change fr...