I have a good news that I should tell you guy two moths ago. I can't because....... my exam have been extend to July. My school have been extending my exam for a long time. I am so happy for the exam to extend because of two reason. One, I have more time to practice to gat better marks. Two, My exam don't need to be on my birthday. Before my exam extend for the first, it is almost my birthday, which make me don't have time to prepare. After the extend. my mother buy a butter cake, my favorite cake. Ok, now let me go back to the my topic.
The exam question is not very hard but I still didn't get the result as good as my year one exam. Year one, I got all A and one B for Malay language. I got 79. I nearly got A! This year, I got all B. I am not so happy with my science result because my science is the best in class, but the exam, some students got better result than me.😶
The next exam is almost is almost here. I am so scared... 😨 Now, my math teacher is giving me a formative assessment every week! From now, she give formative assessment in a random day! I hope I can get good result in my next exam.😊
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